As the Summer season draws to a close, it’s been another fantastic free youth hockey programme at SHC. Running from the beginning of May to end of June, we provided totally free hockey sessions for ages 4 to 15 years. Each year we see more and more kids right across the age range come and enjoy some fun, free hockey sessions. This year has been no exception with the U6, U8, U10 and U12 age groups almost doubling in size. The free hockey sessions are part of our Hockey 4 All initiative, which looks to provide hockey for all ages and abilities.
The free youth hockey would not be possible without our fantastic sponsor - The Kent Nirvana Group. From the get-go they realised what a superb programme this is and wanted to be part of it. We cannot thank them enough for helping us provide free youth hockey in Sittingbourne and the Swale Borough. Without their support, none of it would be possible. As an essential sponsor of Sittingbourne Hockey Club, we cannot thank them enough and urge all club members and other club sponsors to check out The Kent Nirvana Group website here to see the great work they do for youths in the local community.
The free youth hockey starts back on Monday 2nd September. We look forward to welcoming you all back plus more friends and family. Spread the word and enjoy hockey for free!